Why Your Bucket List Will Never Cease To Exist

Reflecting on 2014, 24 countries, 51 cities, 12 flights, 2 memory cards filled with over 10 000 images, it’s safe to say that 2014 was the best year of my life. Upon leaving the trusty shores of Australia, I had roughly 10 must do items on my bucket list. Thinking I would complete these and return to Australia a happy fulfilled traveller, somehow, somewhere during 2014, my bucket list managed to multiply.

Could you imagine travelling without meeting people? Without speaking to them, without in-depth conversations, swapping stories, exchanging smiles, sharing laughter, asking for directions or even listening to important announcements over loud speakers? Travelling and people go hand in hand. From my experience, meeting people is the most luring and important part. People inspire you. You learn from them, form relationships with them and you definitely communicate with them, even if they can’t speak the same language as you. The more people I met, the more conversations I had, the more I wanted to learn and ultimately the more my backlist managed to grow.

Talking to other people when travelling is the best way to find out about hidden holiday destinations. Out of the 24 countries I visited last year, never did I think I would have ventured to 5 of them: Bosnia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and South Korea.  But it is through chatting to others, hearing their experiences and asking questions in which the seed to travel is planted deeper into one’s being.

Exploring places that once seemed non-appealing, totally off your personal travel radar or you didn’t even know existed can reveal the most interesting, fulfilling and beautiful destinations of all. These are the well kept secrets, the places that are yet to blossom and become well renowned.  Whether they are inexpensive destinations or remote and tricker to travel to, the reward will undoubtedly be satisfying in itself. Think of how bountiful you will feel years on when you realise that you have travelled to a destination before it becomes a mecca for tourists.

Travelling is addictive. Whether it’s the people, the places, the food, the cultures, the landmarks or all of the above I remain unsure. One thing is for certain: it’s a myth to think that your bucket list will one day be completely non-existent; completed, filled with ticks, places crossed out or even scrapped altogether. In fact, it will probably double or triple, but at least, will never cease to exist.

Bosnia: spoons sold in street markets

Bosnia: spoons sold in street markets


10 thoughts on “Why Your Bucket List Will Never Cease To Exist

    • you.theworld.wandering says:

      Very true. I think it definitely makes travelling more exciting, knowing what you want to see / where you want to go but also falling in love with places that you have never been to and dreaming of one day being lucky enough to visit them. 🙂


  1. myseasonedtravels says:

    Well said! How can you have a complete “bucketlist” of a world you hardly know? Sometimes it’s better to let the world find you.


  2. @ashleighsmeow says:

    I kind of used to have a bucket list – but then my travels didn’t work out that way. I work on more of a YES principle. So less lists, and more saying YES to opportunities that come up. Want to go snowboarding in France? YES. Want to go to Thai new year in Thailand.. YES… Want to visit a friend in New York while she is there… YES. I am jealous of your big trip and your year away though! I did my travels slowly, living in the UK for four years and taking lots of mini breaks. Don’t be disheartened – you can still see a lot in your breaks from work here in Oz. Next stops for me are a Yoga retreat in Bali in 6 weeks and a wedding in the Philippines in May – two places that were not on my list at all – but came up because I was open to it.


    • you.theworld.wandering says:

      Best advice ever! I’m stealing this one for myself. Love it – the YES principal 🙂 That’s so true so many opportunities open up the more you say yes to more adventures. Bali will be awesome I know you will love it. Loving your blog by the way too! can’t wait to stay tuned to more my meow postings!


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