The Pressure Of Social Media. Is This A Real Thing??

Is it just another media stunt and a set of double standards or has Sunshine Coast teenager Essena O’Neill had a serious change of moral heart and awoken to better her current sense of self?? Is there such a thing as a pressure of social media? Is this even a real thing?

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It’s a case that has left us pondering and none of us will truly know the answer to Essena’s story until time tells if the queen teen’s actions really do speak louder than her words.

However the good thing that has been reveled from Essena O’Neill’s possible ‘social media stunt,’ is the pressure to post ‘perfect images’ on social media platforms, like Instagram. This brings into the spotlight how much Instagram and other social media avenues really can be likened to ‘a game.’ And it’s how we individually choose to participate in that game and the way in which we present ourselves to the world that matters.

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Sometimes we feel the pressure to post the perfect pic; the perfect selfie, the perfect holiday snap, the perfect morning breakfast click, the perfect bikini shot.. the list is endless.

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And for people using social media to build their businesses and personal profiles, it really is all just a game. Keeping track of stats and like, reposts and followings, the game of Instagram can certainly becomes tiring. Many everyday people are oblivious to the way that Instagram is in fact used, and to the unspoken or highly desired ways in which many high profile individuals seek out their large number of followers.  Continue reading